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Star Nursery
Your Involvement
All parents/carers of Star Nursery are encouraged to be as involved as possible with their child's Nursery life. There is so much you can be involved with.
Parent's evenings
We hold 1 parent's evening per year, this is where you have the opportunity to discuss your child's development and progress at Star Nursery. During your appointment you can give your child's key person feedback on your experiences and add 'WoW' moments and comments to their learning journal.
As we are a charity run setting we hold fundraising events throughout the year to raise money towards new resources and equipment for the children. Our main events each year are, our Summer Fete and our Pamper Evenings, these events are always successful and have features like bouncy castles, BBQ, pony rides and much more. If you would like to be involved with the running of these events please speak to a staff/committee member.
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