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Shooting Stars

(2 years 6 months- 3 years 10 months)

Ratio 1:4

This is our toddler room, all children are supported with learning through play. Activities are planned through observing and assessing the children's individual needs and emerging skills. The children will have the opportunity to take part in a range of activities including messy play, role play, singing/nursery rhymes, story time and small world activities. 

All children will have a Key person, which will be one of the practitioners in the room, they Key person will work closely with you as parents/carers and your child to build a positive relationship. This will help your child settle in and feel safe knowing they have a familiar adult nearby.


The children in Shooting Stars are able to have a sleep during their session if required. Parents are given verbal feedback about their child's day at the end of each session. All staff work together from each room to ensure transitions between rooms when moving up are as smooth as possible, pre-visits are arranged according to the needs of each individual child and how many they have will depend on how they settle. The toddler room has an outdoor area and a separate grass area for the children to explore and create new sensory experiences. 


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