Star Nursery
Terms and Conditions
For all children
1. Fees are due to be paid for all hours booked whether they attend or not through either family holidays or sickness
2. All fees are due in advance not in arrears
3. We require a deposit of one week’s or one month's fees to be held while your child attends the nursery
4. Non-payment of fees will lead to your child's place being withdrawn. If you do find yourself in an arrears situation, please feel free to come in and talk to us
5. We require four weeks’ notice in writing, should you no longer require your child's place
6. Any changes to sessions or request for additional sessions must be made in writing, forms are available at reception and any additional payment must be received before the sessions are attended. Unfortunately, we cannot swap any sessions.
7. Late collection of children will incur a late collection penalty of £5 for 15 minutes or over, £10 for 30 minutes or over and £25 for 1 hour or over.
8. All children must be collected by 6pm as our insurance does not cover us to care for any children after this time
9. We are open all year round except for the period between Christmas and New Year and for 5 inset days
For children legible for the EYE grant
1. Children are legible for the grant from the term after their 2nd (if eligible) or 3rd birthday
2. The grant is currently 15 hours per week for 38 weeks of the school year, this equals 190 3 hour sessions. (Please note the school year is 39 weeks so 5 days’ fees will be due to be paid by parents).
3. Hampshire County Council has strict rules regarding number of sessions to be claimed so depending on which days of the week your child attends and any bank holidays in the term, we reserve the right to charge parents for any extra sessions your child attends above the grant paid sessions.
4. Grant forms will be given to parents of legible children a few weeks before the new term starts, this must be returned by the stated date or your child's may have to wait for a late claim
5. We require a copy of your child's full birth certificate for our records